Sunday, December 27, 2009

The holidays are ending...

I can't believe this holiday season is coming to an end!  This Christmas is one to be remembered FOREVER!

To start we had one hell of a snow storm!  I think a solid foot or so hit the ground which made driving conditions pretty much crap!  And my little second cousin or as I refer to her as my niece gave 11 out of 16 people at Christmas eve the WORST stomach flu ever! Thank God it was only 24 hours!

On the better side of it all it was my first Christmas with Geoff and it couldn't have been better!  Everything I gave him he ended up loving.  There was nothing spectacular or anything.  Just a lot of wonderful things!  My favorite thing about Christmas is watching people open my gifts I have given them.  Geoff gave me my scarf I have been wanting for the longest time, a new stereo for my car with all the things needed for it and some other goodies!  The best gift I got this year though was meeting him.  He is the one person that understands me more than anyone I know.  We laughed, drank and were Merry. Geoff, my mom, dad and I stayed up until 2 AM playing Beatles Rock Band laughing the night away! It's a truly great family experience let me tell you!   We woke up Christmas morning at my house with my parents and Santa had came with more goodies!

The new year is creeping upon us all now and I have no real "resolutions".  I just want health and happiness for all the loved ones in my life!

I wish you all a very Merry belated Christmas and the most happiest New Year for all!

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I mark it offical and true the holiday season is right around the corner and going to jump on us before we even know it!  This weekend was sad but happy in many ways.

My friends sisters baby passed away on Friday evening.  Jakob went peacefully in his mothers arms with love for him all over the room and throughout this world.  The Talus' and Atwell's now have their little Angel watching over them and guiding them throughout this place called life.  He is a BEAUTIFUL baby and has the most amazing parents and family anyone could ever look for.  I pray about him still and I think I always will.  With all of the things they have been through this past week and be being asked to pray for this little boy it really made me open my eyes and see how much can be done with the power of a prayer and with so many of them.  I've always believed in God and prayer, but I think sometimes we take this for granted and then start praying when we need to.  I know He always will listen to us and hear our prayers, but I think sometimes I need to remember to pray more than I should.  Just take a moment and think about it...

This weekend also brought on happy moments for me as well.  I decorated my first REAL Christmas tree!  I have always had a fake one with my mom and dad.  After a couple years it always ends up looking like a Charlie Brown tree.  But this year being with Geoff, he always has a real one.  How do I feel about it? I am simply in love!  The tree itself in giantic!  And it's not bare where you can see the center of it! And its soft!  I sat on the couch and petted the dang thing for almost 2 hours!  It just made me happy staring at in and being in the best company I could ask for!

Here's the monster!  The picture isn't that great given it was taken from my phone, but the tree is over 8 feet tall!  And it makes me happy!!

I did good deeds on Saturday and would give my spare change away to those ringing the salvation army bells.  Like one of them said to me. "Every little bit helps."  So very true.  There was Christmas music on the radio that made me happy, thankful and tearful.  I believe that this Christmas, I just want to do good and give.  I don't care about anything I get, I don't even want anything.  Except health and happiness for those I love.

Let the countdown begin! 18 days!   I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, filled with memories and moments that you share with loved ones.  Please don't forget to say a little prayer for baby Jake and his family.  I believe they still need it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Wishes

I got to some serious deep thinking last night. I was remembering Christmas' in the past and how much I wanted that new shirt from American eagle, or an IPod, or the Justin Timberlake DVD. I was the world’s biggest present counter the more the merrier to me was how I always saw it. Don't mistake for being greedy though, because I also loved and still love to give. It makes me so happy to see someone open a gift and be pleasantly surprised about it especially when it comes from the heart with a lot meaning behind it.

A couple weeks ago family members and my boyfriend were asking me what I wanted this year and there was honestly nothing that I really wanted. My response to all this was I don't know, nothing special really. Like my mom said, "Wow Katie, that is so unlike you." I guess maybe I hit my max at the things I want.

But last night if you were to ask me what I want for Christmas this year I could tell you there is only one thing I want. That is for a beautiful little newborn baby to be healthy and okay. His name is Jake he is beautiful. He is my best friend’s nephew just born. He is very sick, and from what I have gathered Doctor's don't seem optimistic. There are many people out there praying for him and hoping and believing that he will pull through. I want everyone to pray and hope he will fight and make it. The family waiting to take him home and hold him and play with him are truly amazing. They care so much for each other, are each other’s biggest supports. And they come together like a brick wall when it's needed. I know they won't lose hope neither will friends. I just wish this one gift would be answered. It would make many people have the brightest holiday this year.

It's just not fair that a family so deserving of a beautiful, precious new life have to go through this situation. They are so deserving of this little miracle. And then you see other people in this world that stop caring for their newborns or simply don't want them. This makes me ill. I know and am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. Sometimes I doubt this phrase because I can't make sense of why some things can happen like this. But in the end there is a reason. I don't know the reason this has happened again it's not fair. Maybe it's a way of proving how strong baby Jake is and what an amazing family he has. Only time will tell.

So for those of you out there who have taken a few moments to read this. Please say a little prayer for baby Jake and make it part of your Christmas wish for him to pull through and be held in the arms of his entire loving family and friends. Thank you!